PowerBank detects imbalances in the electrical grid. It works by connecting multiple charge points to the grid system, allowing Monta to manage charging activities by momentarily pausing and then resuming EV charging in response to grid imbalances.

This helps Monta to distribute power and alleviate the strain caused by the fluctuating production and high consumption of electricity – preventing power outages and helping to stabilise the grid.

After a successful Beta test programme in Denmark and Sweden with 3,600 residential charge points, Monta aggregated an average of three megawatts (MW) of electricity demand at night, equal to 2,250 households. Some nights saw Monta aggregate up to 10 MW, enough for about 6,000 households, demonstrating PowerBank's grid-stabilising potential during peak demand.

Powerbank will be available for Monta fleet and private customers in Ireland and the UK from December 2023. Users earn Monta credits for each kWh charged. The earnings vary based on the market's electricity price and are received after each charge. The credits can be used for charging in Monta's roaming network, paying subscriptions, or purchasing items such as SIM cards, QR stickers, RFID cards, and more in the Monta Shop.

“Predictions estimate that by 2030 there'll be 10 million EV cars on UK roads, approximately 30% of all cars, which means we cannot afford to slow down the implementation of a robust UK charge point infrastructure. PowerBank is a key tool in supporting and strengthening the resilience of existing infrastructure,” said Alok Dubey, regional director for Western Europe at Monta.

The announcement of PowerBank comes after the successful launch of Monta’s intelligent Virtual SolarCharging feature, which was rolled out after a period of successful BETA testing amongst EV drivers. By tapping into the energy generated from solar panels, EV homeowners can provide their own electricity, ease their dependence on the National Grid, as well as reduce costs, whilst increasing their own energy independence and resilience.